Feedback for Ciara Greene

  1. Text size on the mobile postcards could be increased
  2. Type set awkwardly on third desktop, look at hyphen and consider moving are down
  3. Introduce more typefaces? Could use more hierarchy between quote and speaker. A more common paragraph typeface could highlight the qualities of the display type. The inbterest of the display type gets lost when it is the only typeface on the page.
  4. Gray/black out background on third image, high contrast white distracts from text.
  5. Second image cropped in strange place, action unclear and focal point removed. What is imortant in this image? Could also fully crop Gandalf’s eye out, make it a more even split.
  6. Mobiles could use more negative space around text (especially last two)
  7. Adjust the contrast on Gandalf? Looks a little disconnected from the other two since they have such high contrast. Or you could lean into the gray more and find a way to incorporate it into the type treatment. The gray of Gandalf is a little warm, it would be interesting to see some of that warmth carried into the text.
  8. Move type on third mobile image down, maybe make it level with the subject's eyes? Could also make image smaller, give room for larger text.